
The Best Auto-Darkening Welding Helmets: How Light Sensors Keep You Safe

The Best Auto-Darkening Welding Helmets featured image

If you are welding with any frequency, then you should consider the purchase of an auto darkening helmet. These helmets will help protect your eyes from the arc of the weld, which can be damaging with repeated exposure.

When you’re shopping for the best auto darkening helmets, you’ll see that one of the specs that is promoted by most manufacturers is the number of light sensors which come standard.

Helmets typically come with 2 or 4 light sensors, depending on the size of the helmet and the types of welding that it is meant to support. Some models may have fewer or more, depending on their price and purpose.[1]

The light sensor has one basic purpose: to recognize the intensity of light in the area, then darken the helmet to prevent eye strain or injury.

My ADF Responds Too Soon: Why Does That Happen?

There are two primary causes for the auto darkening feature to respond prematurely.

·       There are other people welding in the room with you and the light sensors are picking up on this extra light.

·       There is too much or too little ambient light in the room and this is triggering the ADF.

One common complaint with auto darkening helmets involves welders who work in recessed areas. Different forms of shadow can affect how the light sensors operate, which may prematurely trigger the darkening feature.

To counter this issue, it is worth investing into a welding helmet which offers a manual override. With this feature, you can set the level of darkness that you prefer while you are welding.

If the light becomes too bright for the setting that you have on, then the helmet adjusts darker when the need is present. Then it will return to the setting you gave it before you began to weld.

Twilight and Delay Functions for ADF

Two other critical elements of this feature on an auto darkening helmet are the twilight function and the delay function.

The twilight function allows the helmet to respond to quickly changing light conditions to provide protection without jerky transitions that may cause eye fatigue. If you work continuously with your welder, this function will help you be able to work safer and for longer time periods.

As for the delay function, it is important to remember that the light from a weld continues after you stop welding. The material that you were working on continues to glow. If your helmet shuts off the ADF too quickly, then your eyes can be dazzled by the bright light exposure.

With a delay function, the helmet will slowly restore itself to a less-protective shade to ensure your eyes can adjust to the environment when the work is done.

Every type of welding work requires a helmet of some type. For those who work long hours as a welder, the ADF technology will reduce the energy loss which occurs when eye strain and fatigue happens.

Invest into the best auto darkening helmet you can afford and the results you’re able to achieve will speak for themselves.

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